Download Cub ACR (WhatsApp Call Recording) Apk


This application is SIM Asia. With this application, you can record any call, be it a WhatsApp call or a normal call.

You must be knowing about normal call recording, but I am telling you that you can also record WhatsApp calls, both audio and video calls will be recorded easily.

If you do not know how to use it, how to use this application, then below you are given how to use it, click on it and see how to install it, how to do it


I know you must have seen the video, after watching the video you must have understood how to use this application, you have learnt how to do it properly

Let's talk about downloading, when you lock it, then you will have to download it also, only then you will be able to do it, so for downloading, the download link is given to you guys below, right where it is written download when
Where it is written Download APK, click on it and download the application

The application has been downloaded. Now if you have downloaded the application, then use it and enjoy but before that let me tell you that a helper is also necessary, only then it will work for you.

Along with this app, you will also have to download the helper, only then you will be able to use this application

You can see below, it is given to you to download and click on Helper APK and use the application.

So come here and click on the helper application given in download and download the new application which is a helper. Only when you install both these applications will your work be done.

I know you guys have downloaded both the applications, if you guys have downloaded both the applications and are using them then tell me in the comment how this application is responding

You people tell me in a nice comment what the response is and according to that I bring the next post and the next update

Ok friends, we will meet again in the next post but before that I have a small request for you guys that you guys comment on this post of ours and share it with your 10 friends


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